Join us in trying to catch the wind!

Working to capture the best response on the Internet is elusive and as difficult as trying to catch the wind. Join us in our discussions about how to create better content and then place it and tag it so that people can find that information ~ Torrey

Thursday, May 27

Is your message Location Based Aware? New Smartphones are here

Mobile search is the next big thing.  To search for stuff around you using your Smartphone is called Location Based Search.  This is going to take over as one of the major ways in which people will access information which used to sit in Search Engines.  This becomes the new platform for consumers to find your business and your stuff. 
Augmented Reality systems such as, Google Goggles and TagWhat are fast becoming the standards by which we will judge the next waive of information overload.  To hold up your phone and view through the viewfinder to see what is listed around you.  And, better yet, see what others have said about those businesses and to pickup information from others that were there before you.  This is the new Space and Time continuum for the consumer.  Real time Search that is Location Aware.  Now your shopper wants to BE somewhere.  What is being called Geo-Aware.  it is already happening on GPS systems in your car, you have it on iPhones, Android and Blackberry phones.  Microsoft is talking about a system for their Windows platform.  Of course we have seen this for a long time on our PCs but now this translates into our daily travels on our mobile devices at every step.  Read more about this here [Mobile Marketing and Your Digital Geo-relevance] by Brian Massey at Clickz, May 26th 2010