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Working to capture the best response on the Internet is elusive and as difficult as trying to catch the wind. Join us in our discussions about how to create better content and then place it and tag it so that people can find that information ~ Torrey

Tuesday, May 31

21st century real estate agent... from a Forbes Blog. Good read - Consultive Selling

I love to hear stories of how simple it is to create your own circle of internet traffic. Some people make is seem so simple

What struck me about this story
is that the person doing all the work doens't really have very much knowledge of how these tools work.. she just uses them, and uses them every day
Hope this gives you some ideas.... hey, car guys this is your story too if you can read through the lines.
How about How to Buy a car in YOUR CITY?  What are the rules, what are the gotchas.

Selling is selling, it is best if you can take the "consultive approach"

Home Sales Down? Not For This Realtor

May. 30 2011 - 9:00 am | 2,214 views | 0 recommendations | comment