Join us in trying to catch the wind!

Working to capture the best response on the Internet is elusive and as difficult as trying to catch the wind. Join us in our discussions about how to create better content and then place it and tag it so that people can find that information ~ Torrey

Thursday, February 16

What Google Knows - Who Are You?

We often wonder what Google knows about us and there is a simple tool you can use now that will tell you exactly who they think you are... 

Go to

Here you can see and edit your profile with Google.
Who cares... advertisers care.  Google keeps trying to get you to slice out your "special" friends on your email list, Google keeps trying to test what it is you want... now you can see all

Here is another great article on the subject that was recently in Bloomberg Business Week.

This all dovetails into Google's new centralized privacy policy... translation: we will watch you on every device on all sites... YouTube, your smartphone, your gmail and form a collective picture of you.  Who said "don't be evil" didn't include selling every inch of you to advertisers?