If you haven't looked in on the TED videos you are really missing the leading edge of so many subjects.
The TED conferences discuss technology and management at its best.
One of the reasons I am posting this link is that I believe that to have GREAT followers you need inspiration to inspire them. To have a large number of followers you need to have a killer "inspirational" proposition. Using a simple model of "Why, How and What" Simon Sinek offers his observations of this model and how it works. To inspire is to start with what you believe not what you do. By this I mean, solve this problem - what we/it does is uninspiring. People buy not what you do but why you do it. Why are you passionate about something. That is what you use as your platform for discussion. Not What you do.
This quick 8 minute video helps to explain that process. So as with all things in this Blog, this helps to discuss the ways you get people to join your social media hub.
Listen and watch: Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.
Click Here
Interestingly enough, this same model is exactly what drives the video below... How to Start a Movement.
Another great video on the TED sight is How to Start a Movement by Derek Sivers.
Click Here
Both of these videos explore the process of getting people motivated to do something like follow you and drink your cool-aid. These are core concepts for creating a Social Media Hub with dedicated followers.