Join us in trying to catch the wind!

Working to capture the best response on the Internet is elusive and as difficult as trying to catch the wind. Join us in our discussions about how to create better content and then place it and tag it so that people can find that information ~ Torrey

Thursday, April 1

Social Media Marketing Rules (by Harry Gold - ClickZ March 30, 2010)

I have yet to find a better statement about what a company should be doing regarding Social Media and why it is important. Long live the social networks... down with Marketplace sites!

… you can't run a social media marketing program without a strong knowledge of SEO (define). Without SEO expertise, you lose the extra benefit of universal search [Defined] and inbound links [define backlink]…

Social content development: SEO or social media marketing? Both. Video production, tweeting, and Facebook posts are not just for SEO - that is a huge amount of effort just to get links. We do it to create a powerful standalone social channel. However, that does not mean it should not be infused with keywords, links, and content that drive the search rankings [define Page Rank] of your site and help that content to pop in Google Universal Search [Google Press Release], like video and image results. You want your socially distributed content to help your site pop and you want it to pop in the engines on its own!

Go to article [click here]
(click on the link to read all of Harry's rules)